Sunday, May 5, 2013

We Made It!

We Made IT!!

Four months have already gone by. I can't believe it. The last few days have been an emotional roller-coaster. I was so ready to be done with class then I finished and I went into this crazy weird state. I didn't know how to feel. I just can't believe it's over. Is it real? We said bye to all our Japanese friends-tomorrow morning I say bye to Brenna, one of my really good friends. I hiked the castle for the last time, I went to the beach for the last time, I ran in Alicante for the last time (Praise the Lord it was the last run in my old beat up shoes too), I took down all my pictures-if you saw my room you understand the significance of that statement. We went to il duomo for the last time. I took my last shower in that nasty shower, packed my bags, cleaned my room (well somewhat), saw the last killer view on the pier. It's a weird feeling. I remember preparing to come here-I remember how stressed I was and how unreal it felt to be going and now it feels so unreal to be going home.

This was one of the most challenging semesters I've ever had, but one of the best and definitely the most growing. God taught me so much about Him. About my faith. About me. About friends. About communication. About other cultures. About awesome people. About His creation. About patience. About grace and love. About cleanliness or lack there of. About my peanut butter addiction. About my where my heart and focus should be. About relationships-with all people. About courage and independence. About prayer. About spending time in the Word. About so much. I really can't even put it all down on paper. Honestly, at this moment I'm so overwhelmed with the fact I'm leaving and saying bye to so many people I can't even process all I learned. I learned so much spanish. Who knew? haha better yet though I learned the importance of my faith and sharing it with others. I have never in my life been surrounded by so many who don't share my faith in Christ. I have learned the value of being intentional, even when I'm tired or just don't feel like socializing. I have learned the importance of being in the Word when I'm sharing. Being fueled by the Holy Spirit is the only way. I've learned more of what it is to love like Christ. I've seen my friends share with others who are Japanese and communicate with each other through Spanish, now that is COOL and so the Holy Spirit! I've experienced sooo much and feel like I have grown and changed. Hopefully for the better!

I can't wait to see everyone back home. I have missed everyone greatly! And I CANNOT wait to MEET baby JASE!!! AHH!! I love my family! :) But I'm going to miss Spain and all my friends here! It was one INCREDIBLE semester!

Thanks for all the prayers! See you in America! Now to finish packing!!