Friday, December 14, 2012

This is it!

This is it. We are finally done with our first semester of junior year at Ouachita. We are now truly preparing for our journey ahead in Spain. Bah! I am so excited, but I am terrified. It was an amazing semester, you can't even understand unless you were there. We have been blessed with the greatest friends and I am still trying to understand the greatness of this last semester. God was working and is still working in some powerful ways through my friends. I can't lie, it's so hard to leave them. It's hard to leave my youth group, and it's going to be so hard to leave my family.
BUT God is going to work in some incredible ways. He is going to grow us like crazy and it is going to be an amazing adventure.


I can't believe it's finally about here, three weeks from today.

Please be praying for us. Pray for safety. For comfort. For peace. For fun. For joy. For the temptations we will face. For wisdom. For discernment. For hearts. Pray for our families and friends. Most importantly pray that God uses us for His glory that we take advantage of the opportunities we have to share our faith.

I am soo excited! I will post pictures like crazy. Keep up with us. I will post addresses as soon as we get them! We love letters and packages!

With love and big hugs,
